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High Holy Days Reading Opportunities


Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be a High Holy Days Reader. Volunteering to be a reader helps to make the season even more meaningful for yourself and your family -- you are giving back to your community and performing a mitzvah!

Readings will be in person only.


Please fill in the information below, then choose the service and the corresponding reading from the lists below. Be sure to hit the submit button. 

First, using the pull down menu, see which readings are available. The readings that are still available will be marked "open" in the drop down menu:
Next, take a look at the readings that are available by clicking on the linked pages, below. When you click on the page, a pdf of the actual page from our machzor (prayerbook) will open. You can view and print your selected page.


Erev Rosh Hashanah Readings

Recon Holiday Prayerbook -- Page 24 -- Chaim Stern reading
Recon Holiday Prayerbook -- Page 1229 "The Promise of this Day"
Kol Nidre Readings

Kol Nidre - Page 9 sidebar

Yom Kippur Readings

Yom Kippur - Page 50
Yom Kippur - Page 54 sidebar ("and write down....")

Almost done!  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "submit".  A reminder that readings are in person only!

Forgot to print your page? No worries, you can always go back to the readings page and print your page whenever you would like.

Don't have a printer? If you would like a printed copy prior to the service, feel free to stop by and we will print your reading for you. 
Thank you for participating!

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784