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2024 Remote High Holy Days Guide

Welcome to B'nai Havurah's online High Holy Days experience. We're glad you're here!

The following High Holy Day events are available for Zoom attendance and participation:

Hybrid or Virtual Events

The following events will offer a hybrid (Zoom) option or will be online only:

S'lichot Evening Service: Saturday, September 28th at 7:00 pm

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm

Rosh Hashanah Day One: Thursday, October 3rd at 9:30 am

Kol Nidre: Friday, October 11th at 7:00 pm

Yom Kippur Day: October 12th

  • Morning Service: 9:30 am
  • Yizkor Memorial Service: 5:30 pm
  • Ne'ilah Service and Havdalah: 6:15 pm

Yizkor Online Memorial Service: Thursday, October 24th at 10 am


Please register using the forms below for events you would like to attend remotely, and we will email you the Zoom link. 

If you have registered for in person attendance and decide you would like to attend virtually, you do not need to re-register or let us know. Just join the services using the Zoom link below, and our Zoom monitor will let you into the Zoom room. 

Member Participation Form for High Holy Days        Friend of B'nai (Guest) Form for the High Holy Days

Accessing Zoom

Click the button below to join any of the above listed services virtually:


Or copy and paste this link into your browser:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 8937 7471

Help Us Continue Offering Meaningful Programs and Services

We hope joining us virtually has given you a great start to your New Year. 
You can help support our work with your donation. Thank you!


 Family Friendly Programs & Services  

Safety, Etiquette, and Help for Remote Attendees

  1. Sign in a few minutes early, to resolve any technical issues and avoid missing anything. 
  2. Once you enter the Zoom room you will see that you are automatically muted. We ask that you stay muted throughout the service. 
  3. You will be able to chat with our Zoom monitor but not with each other. We appreciate your patience in adhering to these online security measures. 
  4. If you have any difficulty joining us on Zoom, please text Laura Intfen at 816-516-6050 or email her at

Whether you join us online, or in person, thank you for registering for our High Holy Days services and we look forward to sharing this special time of year with you. 

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785