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What is B'nai Chai?

Rooted in the visionary thinking of Mordecai Kaplan, B’nai Havurah has provided a critical alternative for liberal Jews for more than 50 years. 

Make sure that your wishes are known to your loved ones and to the causes you most cherish. Now is the time.

Has B’nai Havurah had a positive impact on your life? 

Do you wonder where B’nai Havurah will be 50 years from now? 

Make a lasting difference by becoming a B’nai Chai member.

Help guarantee that all we have inherited and all we have built will continue to enrich our community for generations to come. If you have already included a gift to B’nai Havurah in your planned giving, please let us know as well! 

Why leave a gift to B’nai Havurah? 

Including B’nai Havurah in your will or estate plan lets you: 

  • Support the values of our dynamic community even when you are gone
  • Create a permanent legacy to you and your loved ones
  • Make a lasting impact on your children and future generations
  • Ensure that B’nai Havurah continues to thrive as Denver’s Reconstructionist home

For more information, please contact Laura Intfen at 303-388-4441 ext. 15 or       

In Gratitude to our B’nai Chai Members

(as of February 15, 2023) 

Ronald M. Aal & Deborah Lebow Aal 
Hal & Risa Aqua
Rob & Samantha Baumgarten
Roslyn Begun
Gail ben Ezra
Scott Bergstrom & Jana Eisinger

Daniel Bennett & Devorah Uriel
Gail Bernstein (z"l)

Marty & Arna Caplan
Diane Choate

Laurel Cohn
Mike (z"l) & Shirley Coren
Shmuel Deitel & Janet Sherman
Elisabeth Evans

Deborah & John H. Freed
Steve Galpern & Caroline Portis
Margery Goldman
Sandra Goldman
Debbie Goodman
Phyllis Goodman

Paula & Stan Gudder
James & Pamela Gutman

Jeff & Sharon Haber
Sanford Hertz
Tamara Hertz
Joel Judd
Rick Kornfeld & Julie Malek
Sheila Lehrburger (z"l)
Dorothy & Ronald B. Lepoff

Ruth Lurie (z"l)
Albert and Patricia Mizrahi
Rivka & Shauna Morgan-Sherman
Jeanne Pantone & Owen Chariton
Dan Prendergast & Carla Sciaky 

Bernard Reder  (z"l) & Elizabeth Ferber Reder
Rivka Schwab
Daniel Recht & Elaine Selsberg
Michael Goodman & Emily Roet

Goldie Sher
Debbie Reinberg & Paul Simon 

Amy Snow
Mike Jalving & Susan Spero
Alida Stein (z"l)

Sally & Tom Stich
Jen Stier
Fay Strauss (z"l)

Dan Taubman & Lissa Levin
Joyce Thorn (z"l)
Howard & Lorrie Tishler

Bobbie & Ed (z"l) Towbin 
Ethan Waldman
Joan & Abbott Wallis

Marilyn Winokur
Anonymous (4)

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785