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Chesed - Acts of Loving Kindness at B'nai Havurah

As a community, we are committed to “gemilut chesidim,” doing kind things for others in small and large ways. 

Chesed means loving kindness, which is expressed in our community through the following acts of kindness:

  • Provide meals for the ill, a bereaved family or new parents
  • Facilitate shiva services (Mourner’s services) by attending or helping set up services for the recently passed
  • Visit/telephone or send cards to ill, elderly or disabled congregants

If you are facing a pastoral emergency, such as a death or hospitalization, please contact us by phone at 303-388-4441.

Chesed Volunteers - A Little Bit of Kindness Goes A Long Way

If you are interested in being part of our Chesed volunteer team, please email us at 

Long Term Assistance

Our Chesed Circle can provide short-term help for those families who are going through a crisis or need help for any reason. For those families who need long-term assistance, we refer to Jewish Family Service

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785