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Covid-19 Safety Regulations For Community Gatherings 


B’nai Havurah Announcement re: Safety Protocols for B’nai Havurah regarding Covid 19

Date: Aug 26, 2021

Towards the end of May we began to take steps to return to in-person gathering for some events with both excitement and caution. Now that we are approaching our High Holidays and all the activities associated with them, and in light of the renewed challenges we face because of the latest virus surge caused by the Delta variant of Covid-19, we would like to share updates on our safety policies.

  • Vaccines continue to be the most important defense against severe illness from Covid-19. Anyone eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine is required to be fully vaccinated when entering the facilities of B'nai Havurah or when attending any B'nai Havurah events in person.
  • Masks continue to be required for entry into the B'nai Havurah building and for attendance at events (except when eating, of course). Wearing of masks continues to be essential for any events where those not yet vaccinated (i.e.: children under 12) are in attendance, as we always strive to make our environment a welcoming and comfortable one for all.
  • As in the past, please do not enter the building if you are experiencing any symptoms that could be associated with the virus or have reason to believe you might have been exposed.
  • B'nai Havurah will minimize in-person events that involve serving food. While such events are not altogether suspended, we will require such in-person dining in outdoor settings and with limited numbers of people in attendance. This is not related to the serving and passing around of food, but rather the number of people in an enclosed space without masks on while eating.
  • We will continue to practice safe social distancing when we meet together. You will see seats arranged into small family-size groupings ("pods") in the sanctuary and the use of larger rooms for gatherings because smaller spaces like the Library may not allow for sufficient distancing. We will limit attendance at Shabbat services indoors in our sanctuary to about 30 people (depending on the size of pods) and will require registration for services and other programs.
  • We repeat the following statement previously offered: We are a community that rejoices in song, and it is difficult to silence our voices willingly. However, in a community in which we welcome those who have joined the ranks of the vaccinated and protected and those who, because of age or other conditions, cannot yet be vaccinated, we continue to put everyone's safety at the forefront of our thoughts. Therefore, we ask that when our wonderful musicians and soloists lead us in music that the rest of us sing along quietly with them under the protection of our masks.
  • We look forward to the days ahead when we can all sit with each other without our masks and truly sing aloud together, but we ask for your patience as we move toward that day with great caution and respect for everyone's wellbeing.
  • The policies listed above will translate to logistical changes to key events coming soon, including the following already identified impacts:
    • Shabbat In the Hood and other outdoor services and events can continue, in person, in outdoor settings. If food is shared, that is okay so long as dining is still outdoors and people maintain the required social distancing (per the guidelines listed above regarding sitting in family/household groupings).
    • As we have previously stated, safety protocols are evolving and the circumstances surrounding us are changing daily. The policies announced here are our best effort to find a balance between safety and communal gathering. We appreciate your ongoing patience as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters together.  

      -The B’nai Havurah COVID-19 Advisory Committee

      Members: Ethan Waldman (committee chair), Becky Epstein, Dorothy Lepoff, Ron Lepoff, Bob Stephens, Jackie Stern Bellowe, Claire Zilber, Angele Fauchier



Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785