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The Enduring Appeal of Advice Columns

Past Sessions
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 6 Tammuz 5781 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Offered remotely via Zoom
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 29 Sivan 5781 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Offered remotely via Zoom

For many of us, it’s the first thing we read each morning, either in the paper or online; however, few realize how old this genre is. The very first advice
column  on record was  written by four men in 1690 in England (answering questions like, ”Is it normal to cry after consummating your marriage?) 
Young America picked up the mantle and we’ve enjoyed advice columns  in some form or another for the last 300 years.  These columns have shaped
American behavior, revealed the pressing problems of the day, and proliferated in the age of social media to  offer a shoulder for anyone of any

We will do a brief history of the advice column and move to the Bintel Brief,
the advice column in the Forward for new immigrants, then to the  two most
influential Jewish columnists—Ann Landers and Dear Abby, continue with
another Jewish columnist, Miss Manners, plus a few others. We will
discuss what makes a good columnist, why so many people read this
particular feature and maybe even try our hand at answering a few
questions to test our own advice skills. (Lecture, discussion, analysis)

Click below for class reading material for week one and two. 
Week One
Week Two

In order to fully enjoy this delightful course, we enthusiastically recommend your reading all of the material prior to the first day of class. 


Facilitator: Sally Stich, a 30-year member of B'nai Havurah , spent her 35 year career as a freelance magazine and newspaper writer .She wrote for publications including TIME, Ladies Home Journal, Parents, This Old House, Parade, as well as having a variety of regular columns at the Denver Post over a 15 year period. She also taught writing at the University of Colorado, Denver. In retirement, she teaches at the Academy of Lifelong Learning and recently coordinated a literary conference at DU honoring former professor, John Williams, author of the critically acclaimed novel STONER. She is a member of B'nai's Friday Book Group.

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