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Bubbe and Zayde? The "New" Jewish Grandparent

Thursday, September 7, 2023 21 Elul 5783

6:00 PM - 7:30 PMOn Zoom Only


Rabbi Richard Address, Director, Jewish Sacred Aging, asks:  How have Boomers impacted grand-parenting?  This session will include a look at the first national survey of Jewish grandparents and how we can benefit from the findings.  We will discuss some of the issues that this generation of grandparents now deal with:  grandchildren of interfaith marriages, trans grandchildren, changing relationships with adult children, our own changes in relationships, losses, challenges, legacy and love. 

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Meeting ID: 884 8937 7471
Passcode: 868575

This program is presented as part of our offerings for the month of Elul.  For more Elul programs, CLICK HERE.  

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784