Shabbat Service
Saturday, May 18, 2024 • 10 Iyar 5784
10:00 AM - 12:30 PMIn person at B'nai East and on ZoomGive yourself the gift of rest, music, and connection and join us for joyous services with Rabbi Katie. Michele Goldschmidt will be chanting torah, and Rabbi Katie will be teaching about how the themes of our Torah portion connect to our lives today.
Starting from the Torah portion which introduces special standards of holiness for the ancient priests, Rabbi Katie will teach about the question of whether it is fair to hold ourselves, the Jewish people or the State of Israel to a higher standard than we do for others. Is this tendency rooted in Jewish supremacy, antisemitism or something else entirely?
As always, services will include prayers for healing and remembering our loved ones. For those attending in person, we will end with a light pot luck lunch and time to connect.
Register below if you can bring food for our kiddush lunch and/or help with set up/clean up.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 500 159 377
Passcode: N58wJq
669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 500 159 377
Passcode: 640527
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