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Fourth Friday Shabbat: Grateful Dead Shabbat

Friday, November 24, 2023 11 Kislev 5784

6:30 PM - 8:30 PMIn person at B'nai East (6445 Ohio Ave.) and on Zoom

This ever-popular Shabbat service returns to B'nai East on the night after Thanksgiving to emphasize the holiday theme of gratitude with the tribal tunes and communal good vibes of the Grateful Dead. Join Music Director Hal Aqua and musicians Ben Cohen and Steven LaZar as we explore the Shabbat liturgy through the lens of the Dead's timeless music. Bring your dancing shoes! 

The service will be followed by candlelighting, kiddush and motzi.... then join us for a vegetarian potluck, shmoozing and camaraderie. Bring your yummy T-day leftovers! 

Visiting relatives and friends are welcome. Please register below if you plan to join us for the service and if you plan to stay for our potluck.

The service will be followed by candlelighting, kiddush and motzi.... then join us for a vegetarian potluck, shmoozing and camaraderie. Bring your yummy T-day leftovers!

Grateful Dead Shabbat Potluck Dinner
and Volunteer Sign-Up
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
   Bringing a Vegetarian Side Dish/Salad - 5 of 10 Left
   Bringing a Vegetarian Main Dish - 7 of 10 Left
   Bringing a Dessert - 4 of 10 Left
   Coming early to set up and greet people - Fully Booked
   Staying late to help clean up - 2 Open
Thank you for contributing!  We appreciate you!
Don't forget to hit the "submit" button!

If you are joining us on Zoom, below is the Zoom link:
     Meeting ID: 500 159 377
     Passcode: N58wJq

   Dial in on your phone:
        669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799 
        Meeting ID: 500 159 377
        Passcode: 640527

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784