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Gun Violence Prevention Planning Meeting with Havurah B'Kavod Jose Diaz

Thursday, February 29, 2024 20 Adar I 5784

5:00 PM - 6:30 PMB'nai East (6445 E. Ohio Ave.)

Have an idea for addressing gun violence and expanding awareness in B’nai Havurah and the broader Jewish community?  Join us for a planning meeting in the B’nai Havurah library to brainstorm some event and activity ideas for the coming year over light appetizers and beverages. 

Colorado is making progress addressing gun violence.  Thanks to the efforts of advocates, more than ten gun safety bills will be introduced this session; we secured an Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the Colorado Department of Public Health; and participated in the first state round table to address gun violence as a public health issue.  But Colorado’s firearm fatality rates remain too high for suicides, youth, and communities of color. 

Members of B’nai Havurah have been active in this effort since our beloved custodian became Denver’s first gun fatality in 2014 and formed Havurah B’kavod Jose Diaz.  Members went on to help found Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence which has grown to 57 congregations that share the belief that thoughts and prayers must be accompanied with action.

 Please register below to let us know if you’re attending so we can provide enough materials and refreshments, or contact  

Please indicate below if you are in need of transportation or can help drive other people to this event.  If possible, we will try to match you up with someone coming from your direction.
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