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(Event Canceled) Kehillah Shabbat -- Havdalah

Saturday, July 13, 2024 7 Tammuz 5784

7:00 PM - 9:00 PMEkar Farms (6825 E Alameda Ave)


Come join every second Friday or Saturday for a monthly covid safe(r) service at B’nai Havurah!

This Havdalah gathering is open to everyone, and aims to be a radically welcoming space for us to pray, sing, and connect in community together. 

The service will be a song-ful blend of traditional tunes and prayers and new interpretations - No background knowledge required! All voices are needed and welcome. Services will be co-led by Sarah Kaplan Gould, a queer and trans B’nai community member and ritual leader, along with Rabbi Katie. 

In this space, we affirm and honor justice, equality, and dignity for all people, and celebrate our kehillah kedosha - sacred community - through soulful prayer and a collective commitment to a more just world.

In order to make our gathering safer for those with health vulnerabilities and covid concerns, all participants will be required to wear a well fitting mask (and will be provided one if you don’t have one). Those leading may unmask for lipreading accessibility, but will be required to take a rapid covid test the day of the service.

We will not provide dinner, but will have kiddush and motzi at the end of the service. 

(Childcare is provided upon request. If you are in need of childcare, please email Hannah at by July 10th.)


  • This event will be at Ekar Farm on Oneida and Cedar street in east Denver. 
    From Oneida street, follow the path of wood chips along the trees to the shaded structure. From the street, there are curb cuts, followed by an uneven wood chip path for about 40 yards. There is another entrance about 15 steps from where we’ll be gathering, which includes a curb, grass and a sloped entrance to the space, which is gravel.There is a porta potty which includes one step to enter, and is about 40 yards from the main area. As we are in an ongoing pandemic, please DO NOT COME if you’re not feeling well.

  • If continued masking in public is not familiar to you, or feels uncomfortable or confusing, read on and also check out this link for more information:

    • We invite you to reframe this practice not as an individual annoyance, but as a radical act of community care! By masking in this space, you are:

      • Protecting our elders, immunocompromised, and high risk community members from COVID-19

      • Protecting yourself and others in our community from Long Covid

      • Engaging in the liberatory practice of centering the needs and leadership of those most impacted by the Covid pandemic

Count yourself as one!
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784