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Living with Chronic Health Conditions: Learning From Our Community

Saturday, February 5, 2022 4 Adar I 5782

10:00 AM - 11:30 AMOn Zoom only

 Service Leaders: Hal Aqua and Carla Sciaky
Parashat Terumah 

Click here for Virtual Siddur (You may want to print this out for easy access. This home-compiled siddur is just 8 pages, front and back, and references to corresponding page numbers in Kol Haneshama, our Reconstructionist siddur.)

Join us at our ​annual ​Shabbat recognizing Jewish Disability Awareness Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). B'nai member Dr. Dave Gordon will moderate as four congregants, all living with chronic health conditions, share their stories, their condition's impact on them, and how we as a community might provide support through awareness and inclusivity.

Chronic health conditions are ​sometimes referred to as "invisible" since the individual looks "fine by all appearances." In addition, doctors are sometimes slow to diagnose or misdiagnose a condition. How do our panelists cope with this? What advice might they have for others managing a chronic condition? How can we be more aware and responsive to their needs as a community?

Schedule for Living with Chronic Health Conditions: Learning From Our Community Shabbat:

10:00 - 1​0​:3​5 am​ ​  Shacharit Service
​10:35 - 11:15           Panel ​​and Q & A, moderated by Dr. Dave Gordon with four B'nai Havurah members
11:15 – 11:30          Conclusion with Prayer for Healing and Mourner's Kaddish                       

As is our tradition, a virtual kiddush and Motzi (blessings for wine/grape juice and challah) will follow the service, along with shared memories from those observing a yahrzeit.  

Please join us for this important Shabbat service as we work together to better understand chronic conditions and how we can support those living daily with them.

Registration is requested below. Upon registration a Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Click here to see a variety of programs offered during February. 

Zoom link:
    Meeting ID: 500 159 377
    Passcode: N58wJq
   Dial in on your phone:
      669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799 
      Meeting ID: 500 159 377
     Passcode: 640527

Brought to you by:
Inclusivity Committee members: Ketzel Bradley, Becky Epstein, Dave Gordon, Anna Lazaroff,  Judy Reaven, and Carly Sless

Sponsored by:

Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) is a unified effort among Jewish organizations worldwide to raise awareness and foster acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities and mental health conditions and those who love them.                                                            

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