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Shabbat Service

Saturday, March 22, 2025 22 Adar 5785

10:00 AM - 1:00 PMIn person at B'nai West (1700 S. Grant St.) and on Zoom

Parashat Vayakhel
Torah Chanting:   Alan Greenberg

Join Music Director Hal Aqua and guest percussionist Michael Paff for our music-filled Shabbat morning service. As we near the conclusion of the Book of Exodus, we'll discuss some of the themes of Parshat Vayakhel: honoring artists and craftspeople and bringing our best to build this unique community. Alan Greenberg will be our Torah leiner.  

As always, services will include prayers for healing and remembering our loved ones.  For those attending in person, we will end with a light potluck lunch and time to connect.   

Register below if you can bring food for our kiddush lunch and/or help with set up/clean up. 

If you need childcare, please indicate that on the form below, AND call Hannah in the office at 303-388-4441.  

Zoom link:
     Meeting ID: 500 159 377
     Passcode: N58wJq

Dial in on your phone:
        669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799 
        Meeting ID: 500 159 377
        Passcode: 640527           

Shabbat and Shabbat Potluck Lunch
Saturday March 22, 2025

   Bringing a Vegetarian Main Dish - 6 Open
   Bringing a Dessert - 6 Open
   Bringing a Vegetarian Side Dish/Salad - 6 Open
   Coming early to set up and greet people - 2 Open
   Staying late to help clean up - 3 Open
Thank you!  We look forward to seeing you.  Don't forget to click on "submit"!











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Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785