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Online Yizkor Service & Sharing Circle

Thursday, October 24, 2024 22 Tishrei 5785

10:00 AM - 11:30 AMVirtual via Zoom

The final day of Sukkot is traditionally a time to remember our loved ones with the Yizkor (memorial) service. Join Rabbi Katie on zoom for a contemplative service and sharing circle where we will have a chance to share memories and reflect together about the journey of mourning. Those with recent losses are particularly encouraged to attend.

 For an online Yizkor service Machzor  CLICK HERE

Members: There is no need to register for the Yom Kippur services, prior to the service click the link below for the Zoom link. This link will the only one you need for all of our virtual services.
Note, you will be required to login to your B'nai Havurah account. 

Friends of B'nai: If you haven't yet completed your participation form, please click on the link, below. You will receive the Zoom link with your registration confirmation email. 

Friend of B'nai (Guest) Form for the High Holy Days

To view other High Holy Days programs and services: 

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Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784