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Member Registration Form for High Holy Days 2024/5785

Member Registration Form

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this registration form for in person and virtual attendance at our High Holy Days.  Our top priority is that our members may join us in person if they wish. We have a limited number of seats and by registering ahead of time you are assured of a seat.

For more information about each of the services and programs, please click here for our High Holy Days schedule.  


L'shanah Tovah/A most happy and healthy New Year! 
This email will be used for confirmations and additional communications for the High Holy Days.

Please select the number of family members living with you (including yourself) joining you for the following IN PERSON services. 

PLEASE NOTE: IN PERSON REGISTRATION FOR KOL NIDRE AND YOM KIPPUR MORNING SERVICES HAS BEEN CLOSED.  If you still wish to attend in person you can join us in the Dining Hall where we will livestream the services; alternatively you can join us on Zoom (please register using the remote services option).
   Family Shabbat in the Sukkah, 10/19/2024, Register at the link below
   Erev Shabbat and Sukkah Soiree, 10/19/2024, Register at the link below
   Hoshanah Rabbah, 10/23/2024 - 10:00 am, Register at the link below
   Yizkor Memorial Service, 10/24/2024 - 10:00 am, Virtual Only
   Simchat Torah, at B'nai East, 10/25/24 - 6:00 pm, Register at the link below
B'nai Havurah: 6445 E. Ohio Ave., Denver, CO 80224
Highlands Church: 1700 S. Grant St., Denver, CO 80210
Platt Park: 1500 S Grant, Denver, CO 80210

Some of our High Holy Days services and programs have childcare.  Childcare is available for children from the age of 2 up to about 11. All children left in childcare must be potty trained (or have a parent nearby who is available to change their diaper) and must be comfortable with being left in a childcare environment. Parents must also stay in the building in case they are needed.  Please register the number of children that will need care for each service or program you plan to attend.

While there is no fee for members to use the childcare over the High Holy Day season, we do ask you to please make a donation for childcare to help cover B'nai's expenses.  The end of the form will show your donation total.  If you have any questions, please contact or call 303-388-4441.
   S'lichot Evening Service
   Rosh Hashanah (1st day): Morning Service
   Erev Yom Kippur: Kol Nidre Service
   Yom Kippur: Morning Service
   Yom Kippur: Yizkor
   Yom Kippur: Ne'ilah and Havdalah
For example: Dan Copeland, 7 and Suzanna Copeland, 3
Please use the pull down selection to indicate how many individuals will attend each of the services and programs listed below, ON LIVESTREAM.
A few words about virtual access to our High Holy Days services and programs:
We are offering virtual attendance through Zoom as a live streaming platform (there will be no interactive components for those viewing virtually). Throughout the High Holy Days, we will use the same Zoom link for all of our services and programs. This access information will be in the confirmation email that is sent to you after you submit this form. Please do not share the Zoom link with others. 
   S'lichot Evening Service, 9/28/2024 - 7:00 pm
   Erev Rosh Hashanah: Evening Service, 10/2/2024 - 7:00 pm
   Rosh Hashanah (1st Day): Morning Service, 10/3/2024 - 9:30 am
   Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre, 10/11/2024 - 7:00 pm
   Yom Kippur: Morning Service, 10/12/2024 - 9:30 am
   Yom Kippur: Healing Service, 10/12/2024 - 4:30 pm
   Yom Kippur: Yizkor, 10/12/2024 - 5:30 pm
   Yom Kippur: Ne'ilah and Havdalah, 10/12/2024 - 6:15 pm
Note: All of the machzorim/prayer books, including the Yizkor book, are available online for those joining us for virtual services. Click here to view and download the prayer books.  

For the information about the Yizkor Book, see below.  



We know that it is important that we correctly list your loved ones in our Yizkor book.  CLICK HERE to view your listing as it appeared in last year's book.  Please complete the Yizkor Book form below to make any corrections to your listings, add listings, and make a donation in memory of your loved one.  

The Yizkor Book will be available online approximately one week prior to the service.  If you are attending Yizkor virtually but would still like a hard copy of the Yizkor Book, you may pick it up September 25th or 26th, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.    If you plan to attend Yizkor in person, books will be provided at the service.  You are welcome to keep the Yizkor Book.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our office at or by phone at 303-388-4441.
If you plan to attend Yizkor online but want to pick up hard copies of the Yizkor Book, how many books do you plan to pick up?
Thank you for joining us for High Holy Days 2024/5785. B'nai Havurah is moving away from dues and is instead focused on voluntary gifts of heart and hand. A minimum gift of $36 per household for each service helps us continue to provide a warm and welcoming community to all who seek a home for the High Holy Days.
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785