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B'nai Havurah Tikkun Olam Grant Request Form

General Information for Requests to the B’nai Havurah Tikkun Olam Grant Program

Purpose:  To fund Tikkun Olam activities sponsored by or involving B’nai Havurah members. The funds are made possible by $9/year (half shekel) contributions from B'nai Havurah members and young adults who are bar/bat mitzvahs, as well as other contributions.  The Tikkun Olam Committee has the responsibility of allocating monies to activities that contribute to the "healing of the world" and are consistent with the Mission and Values Statements of B'nai Havurah (see Appendix 1).  The Tikkun Olam Committee awards these monies through grants approved by its Grants Subcommittee.
Form: The grant request below may be completed by either the sponsoring B'nai Havurah member or by a representative of the organization.

Requests should be brief and informative.
Grant requests will be accepted at any time. Every effort will be made by the subcommittee to respond to each request within a two week period.

Requests for Tikkun Olam Grants are limited to no more than $500.

Criteria: Applications will be evaluated for inclusivity, cost effectiveness, level of benefit to - and participation by - the B’nai Havurah community, the Jewish community and the community as a whole. 

The Subcommittee will review all requests and make decisions based on the above criteria.  
Reasons for denial will be provided to all whose grant requests are not funded. Applications not receiving funds may be revised and resubmitted.

Deadline for Use of Funds Awarded: Funds granted by the Grants Subcommittee must be used no later than one year from the date they are provided to the grantee. Any requests for exceptions should be submitted to the sub-committee.

Based on the Grant Form Instructions and General Information, please describe how this grant will answer the following questions.



By submitting this application, the grant recipient agrees to submit a final report describing project achievements. 

The Tikkun Grants committee will determine reporting dates.

When you have completed this form, please click on submit, below.

Thank you for submitting your proposal!

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785