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High Holy Days Schedule 2024


High Holy Days Season at B'nai Havurah 2024/5785

Hope you will join us!  

Saturday, September 28
7:00 pm
In person and on Zoom
B'nai East (Ohio Ave)                                                        

Erev Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2

7:00 pm  Evening Service
In person and on Zoom
B'nai West

Rosh Hashanah First Day
Thursday, October 3

9:30 am  Morning Service
In person and on Zoom
B'nai West

Rosh Hashanah Second Day
Friday, October 4
10:00 am  Outdoor Service and Tashlich
In person only

O'Kane Park

High Holy Days Family Shabbat in the Park 
Saturday, October 5
10:00 am 

In person only

Platt Park

Kol Nidre
Friday, October 11

7:00 pm  Kol Nidre Service
In person and on Zoom

PLEASE NOTE: Because we have met capacity limitations, in-person registration for this service has closed.  If you still wish to attend in person, we welcome you to join us in overflow seating in the Highlands Church dining hall where we will livestream the service. 
B'nai West

Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 12

9:30 am  Morning Service
In person and on Zoom

PLEASE NOTE: Because we have met capacity limitations, in-person registration for this service has closed.  If you still wish to attend in person, we welcome you to join us in overflow seating in the Highlands Church dining hall where we will livestream the service. ​​​​​​​
1:45 pm  Afternoon Study Session: Meditation Practice
with Lisa Eller Davis
In person only
2:45 pm  Afternoon Study Session:  Tell and K'vell
with Maggie Miller
In person only
4:30 pm  Healing Service
In person only
5:30 pm  Yizkor
In person and on Zoom
6:15 pm  Ne'ilah and Havdalah
In person and on Zoom

7:30 pm Break the Fast in the B'nai West Dining Room
In person only
B'nai West


Family Shabbat in the Sukkah & Pizza Lunch
Saturday, October 19
10:00 am  All-Ages Shabbat Service
In person 
Outside of B'nai West

Havdalah & Sukkah Soirée
Saturday, October 19
7:00 pm

In person only
B'nai West

Hoshanah Rabbah in the Garden
Wednesday, October 23
10:00 am
In person

Member's home

Online Yizkor Service & Sharing Circle
Thursday, October 24
10:00 am
Zoom only

Simchat Torah: Dinner, Hakafot, and Unrolling the Torah
Friday, October 25
6:00 pm  Dancing with the Torah!
In person

B'nai East

B'nai East is at B'nai Havurah, 6445 E. Ohio Avenue, Denver    directions
B'nai West is at Highlands Church, 1700 S. Grant Street, Denver   directions
Platt Park is at 1500 S. Grant Street, Denver   directions

For more information, email us at or,
or call us at 303-388-4441.

For more information:

 Family Friendly Programs & Services 

To register:


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785