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Online Payments

From our humble beginnings as a study group of a few families in 1961, B'nai Havurah has grown significantly as a Reconstructionist congregation and community for more than 200 families.

Your support helps us maintain our meaningful and creative programs in study, worship and joyous practice, social justice, acts of kindness, and connection with the Jewish people.

Donations may be made online via the form below, or you are welcome to mail us a check. Please note that you will have the opportunity to select our Greatest Need (General) fund as well as a number of other funds; all important to our continued success.

Click here to see a list of our funds.

NOTE: If you choose to make a gift in honor of a family or individual, B'nai Havurah will send a notification (that will not include the dollar amount of your gift) to the name(s) you include in the form below.  In our notification, we WILL NOT include the dollar amount of your donation. 

Please contact the office at 303-388-4441 / or email if you would like to make your donation by phone.

Thank you for your support!

B'nai Havurah Denver Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation
6445 East Ohio Avenue  •  Denver, CO 80224  •  303-388-4441

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Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785