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Renewing Our Space: The B'nai East Renovation Project


Please click the button below to read a Message from Laura Intfen, Director of Admin at B’nai Havurah, regarding the planned remodel of B'nai East.


Highlights from Laura's Message:

  • Years ago, our community raised funds for ambitious renovations that didn’t happen. Over the past two years, we decided to move forward with a two campus solution, keeping our building on Ohio Ave. while coming to Highlands Church (B'nai West) for large gatherings. We also decided to use the funds we raised in the past to make a more modest interior renovation to B'nai East to improve safety, appearance and functionality.  We are now about to begin those renovations.Our upcoming renovations will focus on the interior only at this point, modernizing our facilities, updating the kitchen and expanding seating in the social hall. The library will be relocated and enlarged, and our entry will become an inviting lobby. In the sanctuary, we’ll replace the carpet with hard flooring and install acoustic tiles.
  • During the construction, we will move services to B’nai West, but we will keep our offices going at B’nai East in the back of the building. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A CHANGE FROM WHAT WE EXPECTED ON ROSH HASHANAH
  • Renovations are expected to take about three months, so your patience is appreciated.
  • After the move back to B’nai East, we’ll need help unpacking. These changes are about more than just our building; they strengthen our community.
  • Thanks for your contributions and support, especially to Howard Tishler and Priscilla Press for their guidance.

We will be maintaining our temporary offices at B’nai East in the back of the building rather than B’nai West.  Office hours will be limited according to Tuesday through Thursday, 9-2.  Access to the building will be the parking lot and the Locust Street doors. The front door keypad will be unavailable.

Pastoral appointments with Rabbi Katie, small classes and committee meetings can still take place at B’nai East during the hours when the office is open.  Please remember to confirm that the space is available and that you will have building access ahead of time. Some groups may find it more comfortable to meet offsite.

All services and many programs starting November 16th will be happening at B’nai West (Highlands Church).


  • The office will be closed the week of November 11-15. IF YOU ARE AVAILABLE ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, ANYTIME BETWEEN 8:00 am AND 4:00 pm, PLEASE STOP BY AND HELP US FINISH UP THE ODDS AND ENDS THAT NEED OUR ATTENTION BEFORE THE REMODELING. There will be a task for everyone. Wrapping up items and packing them in boxes or helping find a place for everything in our storage areas.
  • The phones will not be connected until the week of November 18 as the staff will be overseeing the packing, moving and storing that needs to be done. The best way to reach the office is by emailing or texting Laura on her cell phone (816-516-6050).
  • Office hours are temporarily changed to: Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Hannah and Laura will be teaming up to make sure the office is covered during these hours. Please make sure you have an appointment and communicate with the office before you come to the B'nai East building, as specific days may prove too noisy or dusty for us to work at the building.
  • Remember to check your email inboxes and open messages and communications from B'nai Havurah. Check the web site and this page often. The next few months will be exciting and fluid. You won't want to miss our grand reveal once the work is done.
  • Have patience.

Photo Album: B'nai East Remodel

Our new coat room will reduce the back up that formed in the hall around the small coat rack.

Check out the brand new LED lighting and ceiling tiles in our gathering area where we will enjoy countless lunches and dinners together.

Can you spot what is missing from this picture of the back of the sanctuary? It is that thick rope of cords that were hanging around looking ugly. Dan Prendergast and our construction team have hidden the cords in the wall. Just another small move to make our Holy space more beautiful.

Our sanctuary is getting brand new insulation along with the new lights. The acoustic ceiling tiles and flooring is on its way!

Demolition in progress in what was the library and what will be the lobby.

Laura's office is getting a new ceiling tiles and LED lighting.

The writing says "Demo Drywall". And they did!!

It's hard to picture, but this will be part of our new kitchen.

Our new, bigger library is already being envisioned by Hannah.

This will soon be a beautiful kitchen. Can you see it?

When one packs up a kitchen, it is essential that we pack the coffee where it is easily accessible.

Rabbi Katie has a nice, cozy space for all her in person pastoral meetings.

Before it all started...

"And you must love the One with your whole heart, and every breath...Inscribe them on the doorposts of your house"  Deuteronomy 6:4-9.  

It was so special to take a mezuzah from the front of our building and put it up in the temporary office in the back of the building.

A mezuzah, a blessing from the rabbi, and our new office is ready to go.  

Hannah and Sandy Goldman, using sage, take on ridding our  new office space of any negative energy.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785