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Tikkun Olam

B’nai Havurah has an active Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) Committee, which works to help alleviate hunger, homelessness, disease, ignorance, abuse, and oppression among all people.  Also, the committee works to preserve the health of the global ecosystem upon which all life depends.  Tikkun Olam is prepared to take action, both individually and as a community, ethically and socially responsible.

Scroll down to learn how you can apply for a grant to support your non-profit organization.

Support Tikkun Olam’s Effort to Address Escalating Food Insecurity in Denver - click here.


Grant Recipients

Click here to learn about organizations that received a grant in 2021.


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Apply For A Grant

The Tikkun Olam Committee welcomes grant proposals for social action projects initiated by a congregation member or agency.

Tikkun Olam grants go to projects that act on the Tikkun Olam obligation to repair the world. We encourage the submission of proposals that address child poverty, domestic violence, homelessness, and saving the earth. Previous projects funded through Tikkun Olam have been sponsored by groups such as Women4Women, Trees Water & People, Knitting4Peace, Shadhika, Kavod on the Road, Jewish Family Service, CASA, the Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Alliance, Family Tree, and Earthlinks. 

The Tikkun Olam grants program is made possible through the generosity of our members through their half-shekel and other contributions.  We encourage members, including our B'nai Mitzvah young adults, to sponsor an organization or program that supports the mission of Tikkun Olam.

As a sponsor, members will support the application process and serve as a liaison between the organization and the grant committee.

The Tikkun Olam Grants Sub-committee accepts project proposals for Tikkun Olam grant funds at any time. Grants are limited to no more than $500, and funds awarded must be used no later than one year from the date they are provided to the grantee.

To review additional details and apply for a grant:
Go here to complete the form online (preferred method) or
download and print the form here.

For assistance or questions, please contact

Fri, February 21 2025 23 Sh'vat 5785