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B’nai Havurah keeps records of members’ yahrzeit information and sends notification to members of upcoming yahrzeits.  Yahrzeits are marked weekly when we recite Kaddish at Shabbat services and at Yizkor services throughout the year. 

Because we wish to make each memory a blessing, each Shabbat when a B'nai community member is observing a Yahrzeit, they are invited to share a short anecdote about how their loved one impacted the world around them.

B’nai Havurah will also include your loved one in our High Holy Day Yizkor book.

You may update your family’s yahrzeit information yourself by going to “My Account” or if you need help, call us at 303-388-4441 or email us at

Donations: B'nai Havurah's tradition is to remember our loved ones and s'machot (happy occasions) by making a donation of any amount to B'nai Havurah. We are grateful for your contribution, which helps make Shabbat services available during a time when connection and community is so important.  Please fill out the form below to donate or call our office at 303-388-4441.


Enter in another donation amount if it is not listed above. Thank you!
Be sure to click on SUBMIT, below. You will then go to a payment page. Logged in members may bill this to their account and pay later. Those submitting a "public" registration will be asked to make their donation in full.
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785