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Recon Lab: "Question Authority"

Saturday, February 15, 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785

10:00 AM - 11:30 AMOn Zoom only

When authority does not come directly from God, where does it come from? How do we decide when to follow it and when to defy it? Join us for a discussion inspired by Parshat Yitro, where Moses takes advice from his father-in-law about how to exercise his authority.

Recon Lab was born, about 5 years ago, as a place to (in the words of our founder Ed Towbin, z"l) "connect our energies" through sometimes-provocative, reconstructed, human-centered musical prayer and discussion.

Come ready to try out some different prayer/song-words • hear a drash by Pat on Torah Portion Yitro • and partake in a thoughtful discussion on our theme, led by Laurie. With lots of music led by Hal Aqua.

As with all Shabbat morning services at B’nai Havurah, there will be a chance to recite Healing Prayer and Kaddish in community.

Recon Lab is Pat Madsen, Laurie Cohn, Debbie Goodman, Risa Aqua, and Hal Aqua.

We hope you’ll join us on Zoom!

Recon Lab Virtual Siddur

We hope we'll see you on Zoom:
     Meeting ID: 500 159 377
     Passcode: N58wJq
   Dial in on your phone:
        669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799 
        Meeting ID: 500 159 377
        Passcode: 640527

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Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785