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Volunteer Opportunities

B'nai Havurah thrives on its member volunteers. We have a longstanding history of members being actively involved in every aspect of congregational life, including governance, Shabbat, and High Holy Days services, religious education, committees, fundraising, and community involvement. This is what has made B'nai Havurah a unique congregation in the Denver area!

See below the many committees and activities available for you to get involved in B'nai Havurah's life. Please reach out to our office staff if you would like to contribute your expertise or simply your time to volunteer at (303) 388-4441 or at

Sponsor an Oneg

Help us celebrate a special event with an Oneg.

This is a great opportunity to feed our community and celebrate.  For more information please contact Laura Intfen at 303-388-4441 ext. 15 or or click here.

Chesed Circle

Join B'nai Havurah's Chesed Circle.  Volunteers in the Chesed Circle support B'nai Havurah community members in times of emotional or physical need. Learn more by clicking here.

Volunteer on a Committee

Engage in the B'nai Havurah committees! Pick what interests you and get involved. Active participation in the B'nai Havurah committees is personally rewarding and the lifeblood of our community.

Inclusivity: This committee's mission is to guide and support the congregation as it moves towards the inclusion of members of all abilities and challenges.

Membership and Marketing: Help B'nai Havurah grow! Join the Membership Committee to help us to welcome new members and provide outreach to prospective members.

Chesed: As a community, we are committed to “gemilut chesidim,” doing kind things for others in small and large ways. Help us support members of our community in need of support.

Tikkun Olam: Help us with the mitzvah to “repair the world”. We fund grants to groups that provide services within our congregation and in the greater community.

Adult Education: We develop and plan courses, lecture programs, and Scholar-in-Residence weekends. Bring your knowledge and expertise to this committee.

Shabbat & Ritual Committee and Holiday Committee: This committee works with our staff to plan Shabbat and other holidays throughout the year.

Youth and Family Engagement Committee: Along with the Youth and Family Community Organizer, this committee lends their advice and ideas to improving engagement with young people, kids, and families with younger children. 

Other Committees: Budget and Finance, Facility Task Force, Fundraising Committee, and Information Technology - If you have an interest or a background in any of these fields, we more than welcome your expertise.

Please contact our office at 303-388-4441 or email office@bnaihavurah if you would like to learn more about the committees listed.

Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785